Blog Watch Wednesday!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Reviews Posted:

The Girl in the Steel Corset by Kady Cross - 2/5 stars - young-adult, steampunk, historical fiction

The Girl in the Clockwork Collar by Kady Cross - 2.5/5 stars - young-adult, steampunk, historical fiction
Winter in Wartime by Jan Terlouw - 3.5/5 stars - middle grade, historical fiction

Being Friends With Boys by Terra ElanMcVoy - 3.75/5 stars - young adult, contemporary

Fun Stuff

Dick Clark, longtime Hollywood staple, has just passed away at age of 82. Bringing in the New Year will never be the same.

Check out a "ton" of new pictures from Snow White and the Huntsman. I don't know what looks more epic - Charlize's wardrobe or he mega-bitchface.

In honor of Victoria Beckham's recent 38th birthday, here are 38 pictures of her not smiling.

J.K. Rowling is starting to write a Harry Potter encyclopedia and will donate the profits to charity. I love JKR - what a class act all around.

An essay on why, even if you don't like steampunk, you should give Gail Carriger's Parasol Protectorate series a try.

Read a detailed RESPONSE to S2E3 of Game of Thrones -What Is Dead May Never Die -  by Ewa.

A map of the US that shows all the different speech dialects and where they are of the population.
A list of fictional character birthday calenders for every month of the year. Who shares your bday? Josh Baskin from Big is my co-birthday person.

Photographs Renewed - famous old black and white photos with color - Anne Frank, Abraham Lincoln, Civil War battlefields, the atomic bomb test, etc.
10 Bizarre Ways a Volcano Can Kill You. They can EXPLODE my brain? WHAT.

Also happening in the Land of Crazy (aka Arizona) - Governor Jan Brewer signed an extreme new abortion law.
The most used words in the English language.

10 'aliens' disguised as somewhat attractive celebrities.

There is a real disease that actually causes people to crack jokes and bad puns. It's called Witzelsucht and it's technically a mental disorder.

TUMBLR OF THE WEEK: Gram of Thrones - Game of Thrones Instagrammed.

Check out these cool chairs designed to look like the cast of The Simpsons.

The 'Parks & Rec' gag reel is made of win and might have made me love the world a little more than I did five minutes ago.

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